5 Tips to Limit Screen Time and Use Technology More Mindfully

As we've all noticed, it can be extremely hard to get away from screens these days. In fact, certain parts of our learn-from-home and work-from-home experiences are probably here to stay, like Zoom (which, don't get me wrong, can provide numerous benefits). However, more reasons to look at screens give us more reasons to practice using technology mindfully.

In order to avoid "doom-scrolling" and getting "screen-sucked," I've put together a few goals for you (and I) to work toward:

1. Don't check your phone first thing in the morning

Sometimes, you certainly need to use your phone in the morning to check for updates, but at least wait until you've gotten up and freshened up a bit. From personal experience, it really sets my day up for a more peaceful start!

2. Set up time limits on your device

Specifically, I mean set up limits for apps that you want to spend less time on (most likely entertainment sites). You can use these apps in moderation, but now you can dedicate the time you save to do some gardening or try out a new recipe!

Here are links for guidance on how to do this:

3. Turn your ringer off

Especially when you're trying to focus, turn your ringer off so that you don't have every notification pulling you away from what you're working on. However, this brings me to my next tip...

4. Schedule a time to check emails and texts

Whether it's at a specific time of day or after completing a given task, designate a time to check your messages. You can schedule a few different times to be aware of pressing messages, but regardless, the goal is to help you be more intentional with your time.

5. Purposefully put your device away

Don't get me wrongI adore listening to music or a podcast while cleaning or taking a walk. But sometimes, it's nice to be completely away from devices. For example, make it a rule to put your phone away at a family dinner. Being away from your phone can really encourage you to live in the present moment.

Some beautiful fall scenery😊

Conclusion: I believe that technology is a truly useful asset in our everyday lives. But of course, we can always practice minimizing the not-so-good things that technology can bring (struggles with focusing, anxious feelings, inactivity, etc.). Let me know how following these tips go for you!


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